Singing Guide: Paul Robeson

Singing Guide: Paul Robeson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn to Sing like Paul Robeson

If you want to learn how to sing like Paul Robeson, it is important to understand what made his voice unique and how to achieve that sound. Known for his deep, resonant voice, Robeson was a talented singer, actor, and athlete who used his platform to advocate for social justice. Here are some tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you master the Robeson singing style:

Understand Your Voice

The first step to singing like Paul Robeson is to understand your own vocal range and capabilities. Singing Carrots offer a vocal range test that helps you identify your range and compare it to famous singers, including Paul Robeson.

Knowledge is Power

Robeson was a classically trained singer who sang in several languages, including English, Russian, and Chinese. To master the Robeson style, you need to brush up on your vocal theory and learn the appropriate technical skills. The Singing Carrots singing course covers the fundamentals to help you hone your skills.

Breath Control

Robeson had a powerful, resonant voice, which was achieved by mastering breath control techniques. Singing Carrots offers a variety of exercises and articles on breath support (breath support, breathing basics) that can help you strengthen your diaphragm, which means you will be able to sing longer lines easily while controlling the exhalation of breath.

Articulation and Diction

Robeson was known for his clear, articulate singing. Adequate articulation and diction can add depth and nuance to a performance, while also allowing singers to communicate the lyrics and their meaning to the audience. Singing Carrots offers several exercises and articles on articulation (Articulation) that can help you develop the skills you need to improve your enunciation and pronunciation.

Warm-Up Exercises

To achieve Robeson's deep resonant voice, you'll want to include specific warm-up exercises in your vocal routine. Singing Carrots offers a variety of skill-related videos that are perfect for warming up your voice and perfecting your technique. You can view them on their artists' page.

Practice Makes Perfect

Mastering the Robeson technique takes practice. Singing Carrots' song search tool allows you to find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty levels. We also offer a pitch training tool that provides interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizations, and exercises for range and agility.

Emotion and Feeling

Robeson's singing was characterized not only by his technical ability but also by his emotional and personal awareness of the music and text he was performing. He sang with conviction and passion, and his voice expressed a deep understanding of the meaning and significance of the music. Singing Carrots offers several articles about how to achieve this level of expression (Singing with intuition skills emotion thinking) that can help you learn to connect with your music on a deeper level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.